Glantreo are proud to announce that they are key technology partners in a successful Disruptive Technology Innovation Fund (DTIF) consortia. The project allow Glantreo to partner with world-class companies and research groups, expand their existing products and capability in the wider energy materials space and bring new products to market that can have a significant commercial impact on the development of the company.

With an overall budget of €5.57m and with grant aid of €3.65m, the goal of the TRIDENT project is to develop a low-cost, high-performance Na-ion smart battery system using entirely sustainable materials and processes. The name of the project is derived from the ambition to provide a complete plug and play solution for grid-integrated residential battery energy storage systems (BESS) through development of the 3 prongs of the TRIDENT:

  1. Low-Cost Sustainable Sodium-ion Battery Chemistry
  2. Balance of System Hardware (including Wireless Battery Monitoring System (BMS) and power electronics)
  3. Flexible Energy Asset Controller for Grid-Integrtaion

Glantreo and University of Limerick will play the key roles in developing the first prong of the project; Low-Cost Sustainable Sodium-ion Battery Chemistry.